F/44/5'4" [147 > 130 = 17 lbs] (2 years )
Finally found my DISO after years of searching!!
made some custom cards to hand out 👹 see yall tonight
Sleeping pad recommendations?
I’m 26, never had the thought of buying one of these. Saw this guy at Costco and it was an impulse buy.
Just Got My First Ragdoll Kitten ❤️
Eye trimming! Swipe for before/ afters
my hijinx day 1 outfit 💚
Her new favorite spot 🥰
Unable to update MCU Module
After meeting on a dating app and talking for 2 weeks, I get this text after our first date…
Post keeps getting auto removed
Is this a good deal?
Home cleaning service
Some Austin Graffiti
Here are some lock screens, i wont be there this year so this is my gift to y'all. Enjoy!
The biscuits (Twyla, 12)
The moon
can we all agree these are the best mercy skins?
Lemon blueberry sourdough
What’s the best thing to do on shrooms?
How do i make this sound better lmao