My (F22) boyfriend (M25) has been going to casinos and is wasting his money, how could I get him to stop?
My (F22) boyfriend (M25) is going to casinos and wasting his money and its upsetting me. What can I do?
Bewerbung mit niedrigem NC
Favourite restaurant in Berlin?
My neighbour is hot
Minijob während der Ausbildung?
18 and unable to forgive myself for so much, how do i move on?
I was not sober when I got this done yesterday. The lines and dots aren't even straight, it looks like a drunk child doodled on my arm. I deeply regret it now. Can anything be done?
Apparently there are 10 types and only one type is “perfect“
I decided to filter the comments for most controversial, just to see what would pop up. Chaos ensued.
My roommate bites her butter and drops it on the pan from her mouth when she cooks
My Girl surprising me a month before my birthday with this!
This is Stuart
Facebook post about shooting school property.
Dude tries to be honest. But at what cost.
Men of Reddit, how do you make the first move?
What's a weird smell you're willing to admit you like?
Evening in Liverpool,me,oil,2022
Zombie ant tank?
I’m 24 year old M, I have no idea what I want to do with my life career wise. Please give advice
What’s the weirdest reason you were stopped by TSA?
Dealer willing to sell Fentanyl even after knowing the person might die. ‘It’s your life bro’
thanks, I hate people putting lightbulbs in their mouths and hurting themselves
yikes though
[deleted by user]
Hey short people, I’m sorry