Syria, Day of Rage, 2011 (Poster from the Beginning of the Syrian Revolution)
Is there a google photos alternative that gives 15GB for free like google does?
A person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience - Arthur Schopenhauer
Derek appreciation post
Essential Tools for Erotica Authors? Looking for Recommendations
Por que a pandemia mudou tanto o mercado de TI?
My Parents Sent Me a Birthday Present
It wouldn't review my erotic text, so I scrambled the lines and told it to review each line individually
Moro no exterior e a borra de café me mostrou o mapa do Brasil. Devo pensar em voltar?
My book was compared to AI
Most likely settlement to get a crusade/jihad called on it?
What’s your ‘process’?
Facções cobram até 60% do valor de contas de internet a provedoras: 'Ninguém consegue dormir'
The ceasefire has collapsed
Trump está deportando em massa para El Salvador sem o devido processo legal e sem provas das acusações de envolvimento com as maras salvadorenhas ou com o tráfico de drogas
Trump’s deportees arrive in El Salvador with identities concealed, being trafficked to a foreign labour camp with no due process nor evidence of crimes
What I2V creator is she using? The end result looks really good.
Comi o tal “estrogonofe de verdade” num restaurante do Leste Europeu - até que bem parecido com o nosso em sabor e aparencia
Not Enough Life Experience to Write?
Writers. How do you write the absolute menace that is fight or action scenes?
Is this a good alternative or no?
Random thought...but fuuuuccckkkkk I look like my mom as I age.....
How do you come up with a main plot
Quanta covardia, vsfd
Policial atira a queima roupa em cidadão desarmado durante reintegração de posse
"They Show All the Signs of Having HIV" - CDC poster about AIDS (1990)