Places to eat off strip
To my girlfriend even though you’re not gonna see this. I blocked you cuz im too scared to tell this to your face.
Best vet in Tijuana?
how long has it been since you last had sex?
Just a when I thought I couldn't love him any more
What’s stressing YOU out right now ?
If every job paid the same, what would you do for a living?
I had sex for the first time, and I didn't get why people were giving up important things in life for this, is something wrong with me?
What’s your go-to music genre?
How does cum taste?
Which show starts as a 10/10, but ends as a 1/10?
I’m 20 and bald. Do girls care?
What artist do you think did a song better than the original?
We got married!
Songs that don't have the song title in them
Am I too fat to find someone ?
Why is the internet so mean to plus sized women, it’s hard
“You know you don’t need an excuse, right?”
Do you shower before bed or in the morning?
Have you ever witnessed something you believed was supernatural ?
What the most painful procedure, ailment, virus, disease you have ever experienced?
Knowing when to stop stretching?
How many of you work in an "INTJ" job?