Fear Factor
A simple 1 line horror I found in prod
Manually dropping items from platform: inventory moves too fast
Purging 1.6 billion records
What are the proper programming "standards"?
Too much anger
Tigan st.
I made a version 2.0 of the AV capture tier list after listening to suggestions from people
M2K's thoughts on Melee, Ultimate, the community, Mango and Leff, and in general the last 6 years or so. It's a lot, but worth a read imo.
Mail call! Happy to finally have this in 4K!
This controller coordinate heatmap was generated from a recent game of mine. It places a red dot every time a coordinate on the left joystick is hit during gameplay. One is from my Phob GameCube Controller, and one is from my opponent's b0xx - can you tell which is which?
What happend to GnW?
ULPT: A gallon of milk or other odorous substance can total a vehicle
Can I actually load .icc profiles or otherwise change my screen colours?
Amazon’s IMDb Names Nikki Santoro Just The Second CEO In Its 35-Year History; Founder Col Needham Becomes Executive Chair
Dead Internet Conclusion: Is 90% of Reddit content generated by AI?
January 2025 Community Update: Thinking Out Of The Vox
Anyone have any info on Pizza Putt?
I gave Fox every broken move in Melee
Average Drive From Vermont to Massachusetts Experience
Daily deal recommendations
Vinegar Syndrome…WTF
[Music- INXS] "Tiny Summer"- How INXS ended their career with a whimper (and a case of mistaken identity)
What is a thing every programmer should know?
Shifting career into RPG developer