Did the French government prohibit mixed marriages in the 20th centuries?
Does nic affect flavor?
I’ll pass thanks for the shill bro
‘No, you’ll take that as a very comprehensive answer to your question' | PM responds to reporters
Let’s get a little specific: What movies have you given a 1.5/5?
The All-Time Oscar Best Actress Nominees Are in! Vote now for All-Time Best Actor in a Supporting Role.
Two Years
Is Disneyland worth it?
Because you didn't see them as allies you moron.
Trump suggests sending Tesla vandals to El Salvador prisons
Guys, What do you think of this
Si un cessez le feu est signé entre Russie et Ukraine, les prix en France reviendronts ils a la normale?
Pan looks like this after first time use?
Recipes with little to no tomatoes!
Who do you see in this street-art?
No one works harder to get fucked by Putin than Trump.
Where will you put the Statue of Liberty when you get it back?
Say hello to Herbie!
'I'm a little angry': Canadian firms boycott US products
First woodshop vs current woodshop
Same houses less than a year apart. Tornado
6 month in with my Mafter bourgeat
Who would be the WORST Oscars host of all time?
Recommend me movies on the basis of my 4 favorite movies.