What are people surprised to learn doesn't exist in your home country?
Summer: how to avoid visibly sweaty butt crack?
The Triforce Podcast is 9 years old
Over 15,000 people protesting Fascism and Racism in Amsterdam today!
Persona 4 doesn't need a remake.
Jane Eyre: Chapter 24 Discussion (Spoilers up to chapter 24)
Twickenham and Jersey both on this list 🧐
'I'm banning my children from having a smartphone until 16', shadow Education Secretary tells LBC
Stephen Fry who is the voice actor for Reaver in Fable II and Fable III is the presenter of a UK show known as ‘Jeopardy’
What newish pokemon has been a surprise and become your favorite?
Is it just me or have water type starters been utterly shafted by GameFreak since after X and Y?
Niantic Sold to the Saudi Government/Scopely for $3.5B
Cathedral of Shadows - Weekly Discussion - March 10, 2025
Kinda in the end of smt V: canon of vengeance vengeance but losing interest becase of silly plot.
My favourite podcast trope
American arrested for refusing to leave city hall
Just missed the bus because it was running 6 minutes early
Would you like a new type for Gen 10? What chances are there?
Church of England dropping word 'church' to be more 'modern'
Moving out and found this digital track list- first person to msg me their fav part of the game gets the code!
SMT V Vengeance CoV Vs CoC stories
I think Persona 5R has my favorite element system in all of these games
SMT V Vengeance what if DLC
The humans in SMT 5 world don't have eyes or is Nahobino a loner lore pls
Which games have the most satisfying difficulty?