Imaginary Really Is That Girl
What note makes you avoid or dislike a perfume?
6 weeks in what y’all think
What’s the latest compliment you received on a fragrance and from who?
What’s your trauma fragrance?
What Was the Fragrance that Got You Into Fragrances?
Are you okay with people helping themselves to your perfume collection?
What is your favorite budget summer fragrance?
Why is it important to take a shower daily, as opposed to every 2-3 days?
Just curious, what discontinued scent has you waiting for a comeback like
Look I know they’re always looking for collab potential so when I say I NEED these
Item arrived frozen
What is this called…
Best Marshmallow Fine Fragrance Mist
favorite scent of all time?
what is the worst bbw fragrance?
Hello Beautiful…
All Netflix collab items are going to be disposed of + rant.
So bummed about life…
Wow…loving this
Floral scents
Here’s what I got at the $5.95 sale yesterday
Who else grabbed some goodies with the sale today? I’m glad I did!