So car pulls are a thing?
Guy pulled this at my LGS in Spain
How good is Velociramptor + is it worth the price?
Vegan meat proves even vegans can't go without meat
Best creatures to have as ring bearer?
Go to meal when you dont wanna cook a lot?
Got an antique apothecary cabinet for my cards
Best creatures that interact with food tokens?
What to so with 16m of kamas?
Kamas for subscription
Early x-mas gift. This manga changed my life, forever grateful
Veloci-ramp-tor getting reprinted!
Anybody know why the price of Veloci-ramp-tor has plummeted this month?
Why are so many people a 'Smol bean'?
Best way to get Kamas at low lvl? (60-80)
Is it normal to feel numb?
Siento que irse a trabajar fuera del España es de las únicas opciones viables para tener un buen futuro
Whats the story of you got into MTG?
Started drawing everyday, this is day 9
practicing head angles! from imagination
Started drawing everyday, this is day 4.
This is funny
Truth is UB brings a lot of new players to the game…
Does anyone else save the counters from precon decks?
Have you ever seen someone cheat in a LGS game?
How many lands should I run with Omo?