Extremely torn about quitting breastfeeding
How awful was stimulation on a scale of 0-10?
Where do you buy your prenatal supplement? and what brands?
Grandparent disappointment
Well this sucks
A western diet during pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence
Newly CC and need some advice please 🙏🏼
You probably shouldn't do it, but nicotine has cured my ADHD and completely transformed my life.
Grandparent told grandkid "goodbye forever"
This Gene Hackman drama is level 10 triggering..
Do you think I could swing it with just Advil and Tylenol after surgery?
Wife wants to use a sperm donor because she thinks our child might be born with autism
Our unexplained infertility is SUPER unexplained - need protocol and clinic advice 🙏
Maternity leave sucks in the states
Informed & intelligent but talk about the pandemic in the past tense.
Is it normal to have searing pain with peeing after laparoscopy?
I have endometriosis, Of course I....
Husband has been volatile and I think it’s tied to his surgery for ivf 😭
0 energy 11 months postpartum? Lab work?
Birth control is a good thing!
Gained almost all my weight that I lost from Wegovy
How do you balance other peoples upset with your endometriosis?
"People have always had kids during hard times, the state of the world shouldn't stop you"
Am I wrong for playing a father like role with my friend’s daughter when my wife and I have struggled with infertility?
What's your favorite floral and favorite perfume with that floral?