Death Battle has come so far since its debut 12 years ago. As fans, we should all be really proud.
How Kuvira's backstory could be improved
Apparently, different combinations of stat boosts can be represented with different pieces of equipment as well as colors.
It's a real shame Jedah didn't get a super cool prf, but at least he got a really funny new spell that summons killer crustaceans.
Sothis, the Scorching Star (Made by @BayBell_)
What are your favorite Most underrated tropes in worlds?
Damn, it’s been so long since last I’ve posted the results for this series so, here’s “What’s The Worst Thing That Happened To The S10 Cast: Completed”
Female Douchebags
Death by crab!!! Reject meta. Embrace crab.
Oops! All Time's Pulses... for the nth Time!
This Valentia banner must have been really obsessed with Time's Pulse somehow...
Which Fire Emblem music made you live in your head "rent free"?
Hateable jerk(s) who caused (almost) EVERYTHING
You talk to Mario and he looks at you like this, what did you do to upset him?
What is your favorite finisher?
Idea for Another Hidden Aspect of Varatha
*Poll* You can only implement ONE change to try and make Feh’s story better for YOU. What would you pick?
Nothing like Welcome to Republic City for beginners to watch! Last is where the show should have ended?
Official Designs that the entire fandom rejects
No, Castti, please do not eat the weeds.
Even in Solistia, you cannot escape Edelgard's umbrage regarding Crests.
Alm's reaction to defeating Emperor Rudolf
Xanthe Huynh being cheerful and joyous by Octopath Traveler, sad and melancholy by Fire Emblem.
My half-red, half-blue girlfriend turned into the moon. That's rough buddy.
What episodes do you think Death Battle themselves genuinely hate?