The Day And Time At The Beginning Of Every Episode Of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
My First 4 Years of Reading Comic Books
Eduardo Risso Art in Transmetropolitan #31
Donald Trump Should Not Have Been on That Stage
What else belongs in this collection? (Besides Invincible, Y: The Last Man, and The Sandman)
Geographically Accurate Boston Subway T Map (Updated)
Geographically Accurate Boston Subway T Map
My first year of reading comic books. What high concept/unconventional/just plain weird books am I missing?
I cut my hair and beard 15 times in one day and photoshopped together 195 versions of myself
I made a 32-page comic book from Archer Season 10 Episode 1 (Album in comments)
Paul Revere Landing Park
oldgrimalkin r/boston Post Data 3/15/20 - 3/15/21
My dad texted me this video today. (both my sister and I told them we won't be visiting for Thanksgiving)