Walmart Chicken Nuggets
A deep-sea creature rarely seen by humans called the oarfish has washed ashore in Mexico!
My child isn’t making progress
Public education is as the kids say... cooked
which is worse, student teaching or being a first year teacher?
Why are so many students below grade level?
Now THAT is Love
527 calorie pizza
giving/receiving gifts for experience
I would not be living in this building
Tigerlily’s Q&A’s
Joey, I can’t believe this. This is a never before seen you. Remember when he went to go back cause he said he forgot his passport. He lied.😳 it wasn’t his passport you got to watch this.
Niles was locked in the entire Tell-All. Dude was in control! 😤😍
Ari is so disturbing for this. Thoughts?
"I have my wife, my video games, my laptop....."
What are caseloads in your state?
Corona bashing Ingi sexually again after getting in trouble for it….
The gift that keeps on giving
To the asshole who sped up behind me before I could get over, recklessly went around me on the median, cut me off with my 2 young kids in the car flinging rocks at my windshield, and brake checked me, before exiting on Merrill Rd. You're a P.O.S.
What jobs/careers did you move to?
Son Surprises His Mother After Doing 13 Years In Prison
Google Resource Drive
How often do you let a guy cum in you?
Anyone know how much that wedding would cost in Jordan?
Hot Take: Tigerlily and Adnan are TLC plants