GECCO 2023: ESAs new optimization challenges
Translating this setting (the equilibrium of various mutually repelling point charges in a closed convex 2D domain) to an energy that can be minimised
Multi objective optimization problems
Optimization problem with complex constrain
what methods can be used to solve a TP-BVP with variable control?
Transport problem with non-fungible inventory
Modeling a pre-caching behavior into VRP?
Interesting problem advice
Sequencing a data set ,using python optimization libraries
[R] The Evolutionary Computation Methods No One Should Use
ESAs optimization challenges are still open for uploads
Does the initial guess always have to be feasible? (SLSQP and COBYLA in particular)
Online courses on statistics and multi-objective optimization
Quality Diversity Optimization for Expensive Simulations
New Fast Python CVT MAP-Elites + CMA-ES implementation
Video contains examples of false accusations
Legal advise for online game hoster
Law Professor David Franklin on the lawsuit
How can Niemann expect to get 100M in damages while these are top chess player earnings?
Regan calls’s claim that Niemann cheated in online tournament’s “bupkis”. Start at 1:20:45 for the discussion.
Hans vs Mangnus & Chess dot com
The fake lawyers might be even worse than the fake statisticians and data scientists.
Bloomberg: Hans Niemann’s $100 Million Chess Lawsuit Will Be Tough to Win
GM Ben Finegold shares story of how scummy Danny Ranch and has been to them
Hans Niemann Files $100 Million Lawsuit Against Magnus Carlsen, Over Chess Cheating Allegations