My fellow sensory-sensitive folks - what is one popular food that you CAN'T STAND the texture of?
Nyquil and 150 mg?
Sertraline dose
Attempted robbery at the Micmac
Question about autism related haircut as a Catholic woman
Can a priest be openly gay?
Embarrassed during Ash Wednesday at church. I feel like I can't go back.
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Is my boy a Turkish Van?
Any of you have a least favorite "Catholic" Youtuber/content creator?
Did you 'shop around' (excuse the term) to find a Church that felt right for you?
What song never fails to make you cry?
I'm kinda nervous to go to Mass alone.
Can nuns/sisters have regular jobs?
Are priests trained to counsel?
tips for priest discernment
What is this?
Gay Marriage and being Catholic
What would you remove from Modern Family?
How can I help my sister come to faith?
Bookmark help
I own a hearse
Scammed by the dealership
2013 Elantra GLS