Qual é o ódio específico que, aparentemente, só você tem?
which show better worldbuilding/history in your opinion?
Which one is your choice, whether they actually were a villain or not
shows with the most beautiful artwork
i feel like a spy in this sub
alguém tem alguma informação sobre ingressos pro show do linkin park em porto alegre?
Não consigo encontrar músicas realmente românticas 😔
Am i the only one who thinks rockstar mordecai looks like tyler durden (Fight club)?
Wait a minute...
quais filmes você viu em VHS e com qual idade? eu começo: Titanic, por volta de 6 anos.
If you could chat With for 1 hour with an Cartoon character or your choice, who would It be and Why?
Criticizing the fandom
He beckons you…
Disney Channel Brasil sairá do ar a qualquer momento
Qual a sua música longa (+8 minutos) favorita?
what is a movie/show you didn't love but didn't hate either? your 'meh' cartoon?
Gangnam style
The foam in my dad's beer looks really happy
guitar players, does anyone know what's the chord that mermando plays?
Most Underrated or Forgotten Cartoons? I'll start
Which character is it for you and which dub did its voice better?
You Guys consider dipcifica as canon?
Which movie or show has your least favorite animation?
Quais filmes vcs gostariam de apagar da cabeça pra ver de novo pela primeira vez?