i built Nuketown! [BO] [MOBILE]
Is something bad going on?
does anything in my chart suggest that I often recieve hurtful comments about me?
Question about the Piano
Why does sitting like this actually hurt my back?
Anyone not using their Clipper Card as an enrolled student?
2 finals at the same time
Least favorite building on campus??
Math 32- Giang Le
First time taking Chem and it’s chem1a
grade for Math 30 (Calculus I) SJSU
How do you study?
If you woke up as the opposite sex what's the first non sexual thing you would do?
Will you get resended from SJSU if you get one D in a non A-G course in the second semester of High School?
Why aren’t you wealthy?
am i narcissist?
IKEA vs. The Home Depot
with Tito
an interesting title
instead of adding new maps to CODM, why not just bring back Nuketown?
this game was from about a year ago and i couldn't believe that a bot stole my 1st place lmao
which Damascus looks the best?