Why the downvotes lol😭 It was just my opinion
He looks adorable I'm this picture 😭😭
songs that mention backs against walls
I don't wanna lose this logo
Re-posting this nirvana drawing I made not too long ago!
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
I think Raditude is over hated.
I have the weezer shirt lol
Who did this😭🙏🙏
what line did this for you
Me and my friends remade the cover of The blue album
Guess who this guy is? Right answers only 😌
who is it?
❄️Batalla de Paletas Dia 7❄️ 🎉FINAL🎉
Everybody should read this fanfic ❤️❤️
❄️Batalla de Paletas Dia 6❄️¡¡Las dos paletas mas votadas seran elimindas!!
I don’t think they actually listened to Pinkerton
What’s the Saddest Nirvana song?
Which Nirvana song is this for you
Wich FNaF song is this for you?
Beautiful artworkade by me💯🔥
Did a drawing of Kurt awhile back figured I post it here
Tried drawing Kurt, it's not perfect, I don't really like it but I don't hate it🌞
Bought myself this cool shirt today, it looks like the in utero cover
At what point did you stop lying about your age on Roblox?