It’s 2024. Just saying.
Mr and Mrs Bog Thing
I fucked up and told my fiancée I don’t want to sleep with her as much now that she’s pregnant. Please help.
These Kid's Choreography
What differences have you noticed between your experiences dating younger women and older women?
This is a video my dad sent to his girlfriend one his way home from the casino using the Waze app. I think it’s too good to keep to myself.
Song in S4E8?
Which episode does Joey say he stayed up all night talking about a date’s family?
What movies helped you get through a break up?
Men where do you go for your emotional support when you want to express your feelings?
What’s your favorite thing to watch when you’re feeling sad?
I think I might need antidepressants. Can I get them from my primary care doctor or do I need to consult a therapist?
This guy I met playing video games keeps sending me shit like this.
Girl posted this on Facebook 😂
Kiddo do it
WCGW riding this line
What was the biggest overreaction you've seen happen over a simple misunderstanding?
Can I hide my online presence?
Instructor confided to me he had a one night stand with a student, but he didn’t know she was a tech schooler. Help?
Bunch of idiots thought it was a good idea to block a highway road on the rush hour while the sky is raining
What’s your irrational fear?
This post on someone's snapchat story
TIFU by seeing a friend's bare feet, asking their skin care regimen, and discovering that I've had athlete's foot for more than 30 years.
What movie or show do you put on as background noise?
I use to wear my AGOT shirts with pride but after the last season This how it feels to wear AGOT shirts in public now