Nearly all magic tricks exploit our developed object-permanence.
A person who never developed object permanence would not be impressed by a magic show.
Should I pay for a tour to see the Northern Lights?
If reincarnation is real, and your frozen gametes are used after your death, you could come back as your own child.
What do you make of President Trump sending illegal immigrants to Guantanamo Bay?
Rental SUV question to arctic circle
What are your thoughts about separated men who still get sexts from their ex?
What's Your Most Unforgettable Gaming Memory?
ELI5: Why isn't the shortest day of the year then coldest and therefore the middle of winter?
Nintendo 64's were in cars?
Trump orders all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees placed on paid leave starting Wednesday
Apple’s wired Earpods are better than ANY version of the AirPods
Games like Just Cause for Switch?
Tom Hanks is average at best
What’s That One Game You Wish You Could Play Again but Just… Can’t?
Which game's cancelled sequel do you wish had actually been made?
Inspired by Whose Line is it Anyway: Things you can say about video games that you can’t say about your partner
Why Are We So Casual About the Fact That a Parrot Can Talk
How important is AWD/4WD?
Help me see the Northern Lights?
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Lightening cables are a better design than USB-C
My brother used to violate my Barbie’s
The modern phrase "Locked In" sounds so stupid.
People who believe in alien sighting / UFOs are logically challenged.