One in five U.S. adults believes that some current AI systems are "sentient."
Help us understand the future of human-AI interaction! ChatGPT user survey/interview project run by SI and the University of Chicago with financial compensation.
Would rotating the Everyman 4 lead to pushing my weak spot to a more controlled and active time of my schedule?
Why we need a "Manhattan Project" for A.I. safety research
Why we need a "Manhattan Project" for A.I. safety
Humanity's treatment of animals does not bode well for how AIs will treat us or how we will treat sentient AIs.
75% of people believe that sentient AIs deserve to be treated with respect.
Optimistic “Longtermism” Is Terrible For Animals
Many in effective altruism and longtermism want to ensure humanity colonizes the cosmos. But with humanity's track record, it may be more important to ensure that, if we do, the cosmos is better for it.
Many in effective altruism and longtermism want to ensure humanity colonizes the cosmos. But with humanity's track record, is it more important to ensure that, if we do, the cosmos is better for it?
Consciousness Semanticism: I argue there is no 'hard problem of consciousness'. Consciousness doesn't exist as some ineffable property, and the deepest mysteries of the mind are within our reach.
Robots, mind uploads, and other artificial entities may vastly outnumber biological entities in the long run. Our new lit review shows scholars are increasingly considering their moral importance.
Moral circle expansion: A promising strategy to impact the far future by integrating human rights, animal rights, and robot rights
Our 2020 wedding in Big Sur, California
New YouTube video with Humane Hancock on farmed and wild animal suffering
Today was the first commercial sale of cell-cultured meat in human history, at $23 per entrée, the biggest milestone since the first hamburger in 2013 for $300,000.
2020 moved our wedding into the California redwoods
Our 2020 socially distanced wedding in the California redwoods