how much do looks matter to you in dating?
Should I enlist if I'm interested in working with the corps of engineers or stay civilian?
Best Fish Fry’s
Confused by drivers in the left lane in the US
Anyone else send in the five bullets encrypted?
Automating OPM replies:
White House May Boot Federal Workers Who Ignore Musk’s New Email Blast
Email required to be sent next week 3 Mar 2025
If I get RIF’d, what happens to the loan I have on my TSP?
VA employee here, we have never had many veterans treating us badly until now.
Administration is issuing memo to agencies to prepare for large RIF
“Federal employees do not deserve their jobs. Federal employees do not deserve their paychecks”- MGT
If nobody replies to the email "5 accomplishments," what are they going to do?
Is anyone going to respond even if leadership tells us not to?
what’s a shoegaze song that transcends you?
Are all INFJs visual learners?
Are INFJs destined to be the Scapegoat's and Blacksheep's?
Who is your Favorite Packers Wide Receiver?
How loyal are you?
Favorite Non-Superbowl Winning Season?
Just a job or is it your passion?
Are there any infj cancers?
Democratic bill would ban guns on public, private university campuses
How to find a room or efficiency to rent without a long-term lease?
Room for rent in lakeside. 600, everything included.