What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Today is my Birthday 😁 I'm 19 now
I turned 19 today
13 years I've been lurking and skulking on this site
I was born in 2006, AMA
It’s my 19th birthday today!
I forget my cakeday every year
Who was the most evil person you’ve met??
What is your never again meal/food/drinks?
In your opinion, what are some must see films?
How many people have you met who have the same surname as you but aren't related to?
6 more hours til sweet 16!!!!
What is your favorite cartoon from the 2000's?
What is a seemingly small decision you made that ended up changing your life in a big way?
I’m 17 now
Chat my brother is holding this weird creature what do I do?
If your 12 year old self met you today, would they be proud or disappointed?
If you could experience the world through someone else’s eyes for a day, whose perspective would you choose?
What is a random fact about yourself most people wouldn't know?
I was born AMA
What's your favorite line from a One Direction song?
Show me how old u guys are on Reddit
I am 18! (again!)
What game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
What age did you get your first phone, and what was it?