Hate aginst north indians
Celebrating the murder of a child because he was gay
Giving away the BioShock Infinite Complete Edition GOG code since I already own a copy on the Epic Games Store. Let me know if anyone is interested.
The DLC has been delayed again and "will not ship during Year 6". New Season starts February 25th.
Guns I Want In A Division Game
The Division 1 is still relevant today
Free delivery! Huh f*king scammers. Item handling cost, for what exactly?
You gota be past 30 to figure this one out :))
Someone indeed checks on him. I am relieved. We still got some hope.
Giving away spare GOG key.
Minimalist office fit
Does this count as muscle?
Imagine having a personal servant trying make wake you up in morning
One year into my fitness journey
Sher or Tendua
If look could kill, Van Djik was too tired to shout by the end of it. There is literally a minute and bit difference between the two clips.
I like my space to be small and economical. How is my setup?!
Why do you prefer PlayStation over PC?
What’s your favourite pre-workout supplement?
Guys, Judge me on my collection
Whoa I want to be locked in the man’s prison?! o.O
Really enjoying my fitness journey here on this sub 😄
Take a knee 🙏