colorism and light eye color halo
Rate 33-year old Emrata
Who's the female version of Hernán Drago? Someone so hyperfeminine that it becomes uncanny
Amber Heard is prob the most objectively perfect looking actress in Hollywood history.
Britney Spears or Leighton Messier who’s more beautiful ?
best eye shape on women?
Amber Valletta
What looks better, slightly close set or slightly wide set eyes?
Adopted results
Thoughts on this?
How do you lighten the bikini area?
Thoughts on Priyanka Chopra? How attractive is she by western beauty standards?
This is how my makeup looks. What do you think?
Is my forehead too big? Been insecure about it forever.
How can I highlight my natural features better?
Anyone use this Numbuzin no 9 serum?
How to get rosy cheeks as a brown girl?
Eyelashes are so thin and brittle!!
Why is priyanka chopra disliked by diaspora desis?
Can you rate me in private objectively?
Good-looking celebrities with hooded eyes?
Who has the better facial features between the two of them?
Brands with the best marketing?
What is the most underrated facial feature(s) for women?
What makes Kelly Gale's chin/jaw look feminine despite having a wide jaw and chin x3 the length of her philtrum?