3K Gang. We did it
Alright Reddit. Do your thing. Can’t seem to find this crewneck anywhere
We did it. So close to 3k :( Oh well. Next time.
1K cracked. Now onto 1.5K
Am I missing something with this card?
Need the grey. If anyone can help me <3
This may be a silly question. I know that mermaid isn’t a great mythic. But trade wise does this favour me?
Fusion ingredients for a lim rare?
Where does Men in Black sit within a deck? I just got it from a pack but am still learning the ropes of the game again as a lot has changed in the meta.
Trades recently have me second guessing myself. This is good for me right?
On one hand this looks good. Am I missing something? Been a while since I played and I am only coming back to the game after a year away
Xaku Build
Lilac Pleated Trouser?
Boiler Suit
Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear
Advice on workout/ nutrition programs
Morph sets
Reshiram on me 1879 3327 5464
Petition to have Atomic Primo’s basic attacks changed to green
Mega Manectric raid right away!
Cobalion on me! 6925 3316 7644
Virizion 7675 6842 8762
Cobalion adding 10 0972 7766 1825
alolan marowak on me 5528 4070 0997