I had a vision
"For you, Grimm, I even cut off that obstructive thing. Now I'm a real girl~." Actual quote in game when you fight him.
How do I make a turn indicator (The red box around the character in bottom left) That shows who's turn it is to select moves for?
Who is the most rapeable character in BS? This is my pick.
Does anyone know the source of this kind of battleback?
How lore accurate do you guys think this tree list is?
Help triggering SRD's Timed Attack only when player is in certain condition
Today question fellow BS enjoyers
Question about Node
Who is the better author?
We should apply the Lethal Injection to Cephaspartial
The Big Bad Florence
What is this game even about?
Didn't see anyone posting Dead Red Hood in-game screenshots, so I decided to do so. These are pretty old though, dating back to 29/07/2022
When somebody says if i play Black Souls:
Node feet
What year does BS1 and BS2 takes place?
Reference to the machine gun.
Message To New Black Souls Players
Bro asked
Ending S
Black Souls is a prequel to Adventure Time
Unnamed Ending - Crawling Girls
describe black souls in three to five words