What are the worst and most unnecessary American remakes of non-American films?
What is the worst first date movie possible
What movie ruined a song for you?
Movies that deal with faith but not in an obnoxious, preachy way
Allison’s downgrade was criminal [The Breakfast Club]
what’s your 2025 best picture ranking?
my recents ended up all being 4 stars :)
What's objectively your worst movie opinion? (Doesn't have to be a review)
How did you rank these?
What movie made you feel like there was something wrong with you because you didn’t like it as much as everyone else?
Renner post credit scene
What else fits…
Not Watching Movies Daily Anymore
How has everyone's first week of February been?
I see what they did here
What was the worst “Oscar bait” movie that you saw?
Girlfriend tried to switch to anal with absolutely zero prep…
Better Man movie. Wow!
What’s your thoughts on blind buying?
What movies made you cry?
Don’t overpay. Distributors/Retailers keep pushing the price ceiling higher on 4Ks cause they think you’re suckers.
Installing CarPlay stereo in my Honda 2019 CRV?
Does anyone else read before the movie starts?
What’s your opinion on the Knives Out franchise?
Love a night time adventure, tell me more