BPD need to do better
Anyone using Incident Tasks in Xanadu?
How did we get here?
Post Elon layoffs, old government.
Too early for these peoples’ shenanigans.
Federal Layoffs: Will They Spill Over Into the Private Sector?
Those who voted for Trump, have any of the events or actions by the administration changed your opinion since you cast your vote?
the five bullet email may be more sinister than we’re considering
Got let go today
What’s next and will it stop? Suicide and insurance, will it pay out?
Advice for Statutory Justification
Feds to start getting weekly emails asking what they did. Bosses will check if their answers fits Trump goals: New from Washington Post
My life is being destroyed by Donald Trump
Is Your Voice Meaningless in Idaho?
1 week into my Japan trip, this is what I've learned
ESI CEO Resignation
Elon Musk admits email to government workers was a ruse
Federal Workers Must Justify Work or Resign – Elon Musk
🚨 Nudity Emergency Declared! 🚨 by the Idaho Legislature
Red State Feds Demand a Town Hall
We need Bernie to come to Boise.
House Republican Says Trump’s Executive Orders Are ‘Getting Out of Control’
White House - Spineless COWARDS
The slide. Located within Jump Street downtown Boise
Is there another 50501 protest tomorrow?