Coffee creamer thief at work
Whats your ranking for all the Star Wars movies
How would you call this country?
Trump’s White House return wipes out nearly 20% of Bitcoin millionaires
Most and Least Educated State in the United States
Who the hell pissed in this New York Film Graduate's cereal?
So the new spinoff is called "Stuart fails to save the universe"
Tell us, Floyd. How do you feel about the passing of the legendary George Foreman?
The number of people who do not think deporting "criminals" should require a court or jury to find the defendant guilty beyond reasonable doubt is astonishing
What's a Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Movie You Absolutely love?
what should someone do with this space?
I found my Grandpa's war diary from 1942 while cleaning out my deceased Dad's house
If poor people fantasize about winning the lottery, what do the rich fantasize about ?
Movies with a stellar cast that turned out mediocre or even bad
How do you feel about a sitting President and the Commerce Secretary going on television to tell people to buy Tesla cars and stocks?
I feel bad for the Tesla owners getting harassed and having their cars vandalized by hateful liberals.
What’s a movie you’ve rewatched the most times?
Corey Feldman
best & (or) worst memory of "the vet"
Gavin Newsom should not be a Dem candidate for President
So Iraq never had any weapons of mass destruction? Just a dictator the bush admin didn’t agree with?
America is like a circus atp.
Friday morning of March Madness and my gym has tennis on the TVs.
Best going into battle soundtrack?
I don't care what anyone says, this movie is the tits.