Was Double Thrower the Correct Pick or Was It Just Skill Diff?
Assault Break Part 2 Patch Notes (19th of March)
Is it me or does Ice feel the most BASIC name if ever heard of even though I like her
this is why i love this brawler
Best content creators to watch?
You are not immune to alien baddie
What are your thoughts on the general useage of gadgets?
Is Sam's hypercharge going to make him worth playing?
The restriction in Ranked coupled with Pro Pass progress is creating a problem
When does Spirit Slap actually the better sp to use?
After 49 packs, still no Gible
ZETA woke up today and chose violence
APAC Results!
Wtf was this draft bruh
Why the surge these guys are genuinely drafting like bad randoms
They really tried to cheese in the monthly finals 🤣
There is a fundamental problem with "you're the bullet" brawlers
The twist ending of 2024's Trap is that you find out that none of the events and people depicted occur or exist. It is a work of fiction, and "actors" and "actresses" are merely pretending that the things shown in the "movie" are actually occurring.
X men vs Asians
In case you were wondering whether it's worth adopting the Claw playstyle
Ollie shouldn’t be able to jump and super at the same time
Why is Ollies first gadget considered to be better ? (I don’t understand it)
New Kairos pro tier list, thoughts?