New posters for "Sinners"
Throw back to the Russo Brothers denying the title being “Endgame” in 2018
Beating conquest
What instantly ruins a pizza?
How many people actually enjoy maintenance?
Most satisfying sound in the game? My vote goes to the little “snap” when Loki swaps with a clone
Elon Musk
Which AETC bases are the best to be stationed at (in your opinion)?
I wish there was a way to hide your level in this game 😭
Hero Balance Adjustments | March 13th
You get to delete 1 character from the game as if they never existed. Who is gone? I'll start.
Let’s play a game: “Third Reich or Current Presidency?”
I feel like these two MUST get some sort of team bonus
Let's Save Black Widow!
What’s everyone’s favourite off tank and why?
The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return for a cameo
who is the most disliked hero or at least the most frustrating to play against?
Poor Clint
This scene cracks me up everytime, what chance did Hawkeye think he stood?😭🙏
How to explain ATC to normal people
If Rocket’s Ult sucks so much, then why whenever I use it, we get a team wipe?
In just over a month, this film turns 10 years old. Many say it's the weakest avengers film, but what's one thing that you think it did great or better than the others? And what's one thing you would change in the movie?
How do you counter this abomination of nature when they start being cheeky with flanks
Who is the least common character to see on the MVP screen?
Found this old picture of me as a kid at an air show in Florida, can anyone ID this pilots patches ?