Juggernaut Mixup
Good MoE proxy?
Is the playstyle of the factions a good representation of their tabletop equivalent?
Votann unit of my dreams
Y’all think the rogue blood angel could be a good world eater with some conversion?
Guess the proxy (Easy Edition)
I never understood how Betty is ”like a child”
If The Lord of the Rings ever gets a remake, I have a suggestion for the Hobbits
New Terminators when?
Hang on... in the novel, did the T.rex stand in a tripod pose (like on the cover/AMNH mount) or was it an oddly proportioned 17ft tall, 40-45ft long T.rex?
New version of my Twi'lek Jedi I did 5 years ago
Why does the poor Trex lose every fight she’s in?
What completely new Unit/Model would you like for WE ?Be creative.
1500 points, ready for the weekend!
Would you rather: Have a two season show that adapts the first two books with 100% accuracy, or a ground up remake of FK/Dominion with hindsight?
Eightbound/Terminator Project
What 8 detatchments do you want to see?
With only one detachment, Will any of you be buying and running accompanying Daemons with your EC Army?
Can we pin this post to the top?
My thoughts on upcoming codex and our range
ya'll seem to be forgetting an angron
Rule-wise, how would you run Black Dragons (especially the big guys)?
Knee pain during adductor stretching
Suggestions for army for my nephew
The Forsaken King