What painting is this children’s book painting an homage to?
Anybody see the 747 circling? Anybody know who/what it is?
What made this dormant nest? looks like snap-pop
Anybody had their kids in Soccer Shots?
More of this please
Field Kit FX Delay Ping without input?
2600m Reverb Deal, actually a deal?
Lemme Get A Snack
Why doesn’t Ryan Seacrest just sit back and watch his money roll in?
Anyone taken the Delta flight to Paris
Anyone know what's going on with Roost/Culina?
Bastl Illuminati gathering dust? Wanna sell?
Seeing a band before they’re famous
What’s your favorite stereo reverb or delay pedal for synths that is NOT a Strymon?
JU-06 Constant Low volume oscillator? Noisy Chous?
Can you help me identify this blurry effects unit/pedal? I’m sure some features are a dead giveaway.
Are stores giving out multiple tickets or being strict on one per person?
Daily Discussion - Saturday 11/16/24
Americans who moved to Norway, what has your experience been like?
Posts with only screenshots
Whats a drink you remember from childhood but vanished nowadays ?
What is this album cover?
What is this?
Allocation List?
Wussy show!