Temos uma proposta para fazer a um casal jovem. Gostam de viajar? Mais info dm
Genuine Q for Disturbed fans. How do y'all justify this?
What to expect of leiria portugal before coming to eurasmus?
Finally bought tboi after 4 years of pirating it
lesbian train guy
Check your facts
O governo a inovar
gamamos o hino aos australianos ja que eles nao usam usamos nos oupa siga
O Segredo por Trás das Portuguesas: Testosterona a Mais?
Average neoliberal when Amerikkkas mask comes off to reveal Hitler
"I'm telling you, they should update their fans about Silksong."
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Today is the Birthday of Eduard Limonov (1943-2020) Leader of the National Bolshevik Party, what is your thoughts about him?
Temos de fazer alguma coisa em relação aos marginais em Leiria
Reposting this because I forgot to remove the water mark
I didn't know which cube to get so I got all of the instead
Yush... Am 100% bot :33333
What is this logo ?
is this like a stock phrase for them or
Horse shoe theory in action
If a general strike isn’t organized soon it may never be possible again.
Bro thinks a nazi comic is leftwing
JoJo Rule
They'll forever wonder who