Will using the USMC Squad Bay app automatically enlist me?
Anyone on here know of any Marines that deserted?
Thank you for your cervix 🫡
If you could make any item under $100 standard issue for every marine in the corps, what would you pick?
Can I be a 0311 with these ASVAB Score?
How to fix this problem?
When you see other Marine vets out in civilian world, what is your common greeting of the day?
Got Slapped on the Ass
Gentlemen I’ve acquired a tractor
Just got out of boot ama
Are driver tests really important?
How long can donuts last?
What is something that is stopping humanity from progressing forward?
Most creative ways that Marines were disciplined
Why doesn't Trump go after Scientology's billions?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Can officers go back in after getting out?
Am I ready for boot camp?
I am a current Series Commander, AMA
Got my DD214 2 hours ago
Say you get rich one day but can’t tell anyone. What signs would there be?
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
I hate disrespectful junior Marines
god of war 3 question
What is your favorite and least favorite Nornir Chest challanges?