I know I’m skinny, but I don’t feel skinny.
does anyone else get really frustrated when there's no blood visible after self harm?
Graduated college today and wanted to share my Lana-themed cap with you guys!!
changing my name soon!
AITA for getting mad at my husband because he laughed when I told him to reheat his own dinner?
How would you pronounce “Helena”?
Having trouble committing to Kelly
Who's a celebrity no one can hate?
AITA for kicking a girl out of my wedding party?
anyone know where i can buy this bag? i’m willing to pay a lot
What is the most popular dish of your country without actually mentioning your country ?
Make the comments section look like Lana’s search history
A friend called me a Paki - I’m Indian. I stopped being friends with this person and now I’m getting more shit.
Brand new airpods pro, left earpiece is hit or miss for battery charge and dies while inside of case.
How do you pronounce "Kira" ?
How would you pronounce this name?
Has anyone successfully filled out their "hip dips" (violin hips)?
Middle Names for Aishwaryaa and Naveen?
Is this names fine?
Need D and J names for a girl born this AM who’s parents thought she’d be a boy!
does dina make sense as a nickname for dariya?
ULPT: If you want to buy a house that has areas of improvement, vandalize it and target what you're planning to replace anyway. Their asking price will go way down but your renovation costs will stay the same.
does anyone know where i can find this?? i’m willing to pay a lot for it
is it possible to find a premium cache without having a subscription?
Chopin Bag