does anyone know the type of charger this one uses?
Logan’s voice actor!?!?!?!
My builder and her three loyal hounds. Athos, Aramis and Porthos.
logan tries (not really) to poison andy
Logan's Sunburn
I can't wait!
friends starting to date suck
My Workshop
Bud think he's on the team
Spoiler: Funerall
umbrella not umbrellaing
Logan's fans are EXACTLYY like that
Sandrock NPCs as I’m dashing towards them to deliver a commission
Anyone who thinks Unsuur is boring does not understand dry humor
Spoiler: Musa.
dental health up to date?
A character you wished you had meet?
who's the most hated character?
Training Day!
how to use showroom??
songs like The Villain I appear to be