How are you all getting Spider-Man 2 (physical) so you can play on day 1?
Audio book release date
If I’m not enjoying the first couple hours, will I enjoy the rest of the game?
The problem with Gone with the Wind being the highest grossing movie of all time...
Eternal Holy - that level 47 grim reaper looking baddie from the purple box. Can he be beaten by a team of max level 35s?
Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Switch: A Beautiful New Take on an Arcade Classic
Why everyone like Fire Emblem Heroes ?
Roast me!
Irish twats looking for a good roast.
Do your worst
Tap Titans 2 - US App Store iPhone link
I found a small blooper from episode 2.
Exiles makes Pocket Games list of most anticipated games.
Have a question about the game? POST IT HERE and we'll respond with answers from the devs!
Devs are looking for ideas for off-the-beaten path dwarven looks, weapons, culture or abilities?
Exiles of Embermark - a combat RPG that focuses on character development is entering beta soon!
Ben Affleck on Twitter reveals Deathstroke
Heyo! We're 3-brother studio Butterscotch Shenanigans. We recently launched Crashlands. Ask us anything!
SwornBlades nerfs
Gameloft contest going on right now till July 3rd to win 5 chests
Dungeon Hunter 5 Rumored
Hey /r/iosgaming, I'm interested in your personal top 3 iOS games of all time?
Wicked movie confirmed. Stephen Daldry will direct, shooting for 2016 release.
Even the Academy Is Worried That the Oscars Will Be Boring This Year
Kingdom Rush Origins is releasing tonight!