Guys what is the name of the spin-off cartoon where Chuck and Bitchwife-Skylar team up against Jane please?
Any recomendations for starting to code an isometric tactics game in C#?
To much time wasted on waiting instead of doing things...
Is this normal that this happens very often? Boss gets killed in the first 2 minutes, and the extract point is right nearby. This happened to me a lot recently. I'm fairly new to the game (about 30 hours) and I love it, but the frequency of this happening is a bit frustrating!
Solo hunter, first 1V3 clutch, so proud of this! I wish there was a replay function, this was just so damn clean and I have no clip 😭 I rushed the first one with the Knuckle Knife, took his rifle and headshot the 2 others right away
Eric Clapton: Teardrops in Heaven 2
I love Blue NMM for my Black Templars (this is a Sword Brethren)
My b*ss player on his way to his dayjob at Hot Topic
Currently working on this Sword Dude
Merek Grimaldus
Progress on the CF kill team, battle damaged up and now ready for the final details
I'm a full-time Game Designer, I get to play with Legos and Warhammer in my office all day these days
Question about size
Sure, the plating contributes to the sound
A Whiteworm in a Tornado of Holes
WIP Outrider Kitbash
Blood Angels Captain in comic book style
can i use thes minis in an actual game
Heresy boltgun on Primaris marine.....I kinda dig it, like modern day special forces using a WW1 gun 😅
Grim Bright or Grim Dark?
Pulled pork
Brothers, I starting to like the blue. Have I strayed? Is this heresy?
All Emperor's Children minis
of Magic the Gathering collection