Books you refuse to read to your kids?
What about Twig?!?
Queen Malina and the Assassin
Looking for a short story about child development and behavior
It's the little things that matter to me now
Where is your favourite lobster pasta?
Name 3 to 5 Books and Get Recommendations for Your Next Read (Romantasy Edition)
Just found out about Halifax wingman (hero) thought I’d share. Link below.
Elain fanfiction writers! Help a girl out!
recommendations for the best PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER BOOKS that left you speechless
What are the benefits of having a partner as an adult ?
I don’t get it
Being a Parent is like working for a Corporation…
PSA: Make sure you know your kids actual birthday!
What novel is this for you ?
A demonstration of how total hip replacement surgery is done
Grumblemania Monday
TOG on sale (Audible)
Whose character do you relate to?
Looking for Memoirs of Women Discovering that they are Lesbian or Queer
Stuff your kindle 'alpha cinnamon roll'
A Quote from a book that you can't forget?
My daughter occasionally wants to sleep by me, I don't think its weird but my wife does.
What are your thoughts on VeggieTales since you left?