Westclock building
"Dropping the kids off at the pool" at St. Mary's Hospital?
Missing Mike
I emailed Melissa Link about the trash problem, she personally came by my house and picked it all up and we drove to Oconee County and threw it on someone's lawn
Trash meet
Tesla Ass, Warnell Dogg, and Ben Marvin?
Coming(and probably leaving) soon to Baxter
New report says MARTA owes $865K to Atlanta, not $70 million as city's audit claims
Tesla Owners Embarrassed by Elon Musk Disguise Their Cars
Hidden Gem. Is it really a “Hidden Gem” or is only for “those people”?
I was just driving down Boulevard and saw a person a different color than me walking down the sidewalk. Did I almost get carjacked?
Avid’s GoFundMe
Used Tesla Cars Depreciated Faster Than Any Other Brand Last Year
Submitting a new Link
Reese Pope
TIL that Atlanta Highway doesn't even fucking go to Atlanta. What are they stupid?
Service industry; anyone not miserable?
Women Who Shaped Music!
Dunkin Grand Opening
Dexter Fisher hints at a possible redevelopment of Homewood Village Shopping Center
I (74 M) have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy been using alternative treatments
Trying to get together a list of STD’s and who has them in Athens
Toppers Yellow Sauce
CALL MIKE JONES. He's from Houson
The left turn light from Broad onto Thomas doesn't even have a green arrow installed. This is deception at the highest level. What else is the Girtz regime hiding from us?