Posting it here, because this one had more upvotes
Is it a good idea to apply a screen protector on the Kobo Clara Colour?
I found this flash disk,it’s good for run arch on that?I guess it’s USB 2.0
[ming-wm] I wrote my own window manager
How to securely store n*des in iPhone
Zak Brown on Yuki Tsunoda (via ESPNF1 on Instagram)
My kobo takes 5 - 10 seconds load a single page, any tips ?
Ultimate Survival seed
Do it
We met here on r/coimbatore 1 year ago, got married yesterday!
After a Year as an Intern, I Finally Made My First Big Purchase, Worth it ?
Me with my adult money
I coincidentally found a bag that PERFECTLY fits my Kobo Clara BW as a sleeve!
Can't highlight a word and see it's meaning (PDF)
The shadow that appears on my wall
A flying what?
I just ordered my Kobo Clara BW today. Eagerly waiting for it to arrive
Joined KLC 👍
It's decided I wouldn't go back to Windows
I think I'm kobo person now
So apparently PewDiePie (one of the biggest YouTubers) has recently switched to Linux
After wonderful reviews. I'm gonna have mine soon
Just bought my first kindle!
How to buy Kobo in India ?
Suggest me a show based off of my top favs!