How would Dutch Van Der Linde gang interact with these cowboys
Hypothetically if you didn't know their names, what names do you think would be fitting for them?
Significant characters who just...die. Their death is quick and unceremonious.
When the mc is missing for the rest of the seasons
What games had the illest sound track for no reason?
What’s your opinion on this
James is Back yo😭😭🙏
he look so tuff tho 💔💔 hope nett never slime me 😖😣
🥷🏾 recordin ain't seeing the pearly gates 😭😭😭
Hellrellfrm1300 vs Fnkeezy
fr tho
Who is the greatest female movie villain?
What would you remove from the RDR1 or 2 storyline?
Characters who are killed mid-sentence
Cowboys!!!! Cowboys are so freaking awesome!!!!
Wordington furries
The reasonable character is treated as the odd one
Shot My Shot with My Therapist and Got Rejected
What do you think Femto’s favorite book would be?
Things from non-horror media that genuinely scared you unironically.
[Hated trope] When a male victim of sexual assault is portrayed with much less seriousness, or even humour (inspired by u/ithinkther41am's suggestion on a previous post)
Scenes that become darker after learning the plot twist