Webcam pix :L
Finally cut my hair :L
Fitted up :L
decorated sketchbook!!!
admittedly, I started making this cover before I even knew it was the guitar matt used on the song. thought it would be an appropriate first cover tho lol. everything is made by me, all midi except for the guitar ^-^
stegosaurus rex - the dino soars
Birthday additions!!
Lullabies In A Glass Wilderness - Lalleshwari (KJG)
Zoltank - Aural Vampire
Is there any way to play the game in a way that lets me choose a specific floor?
Ocs: coy and jira!
Thunderstorm Neighbourhood
Recent additions to collection!
Looking for food/drink items!!
silly little elves
Prettiest girl in the morgue font?
Updated Johnny non album photocards list?
Wash kettle corn bucket?
Humanistic - Abandoned Pools font
I need help with setting up layouts for houses and stuff
Walmart Supercenter (W.I.P)
Custom Octoling [ Splatoon ] pillow
first build vs most recent build vs most expensive build. what do u think?