United Romania and Hungary in an alternative universe.
Would you say people in your country give more cultural importance to their indigenous heritage or european heritage? Why?
What is the point of iCloud?!
What’s your favorite LATAM country besides your own?
Season 3 was so horrible
Em breve a Islândia terá eliminado todos os bebês com sindrome de down através do aborto. Isso é eugenismo ou política de saúde pública?
Ninguém: 😭🙏
Todos os presidentes americanos em uma só imagem
the EUROPEAN UNION in 2036
Whenever nationalists push their identity so hard...
Do it
What is a given name that is common in your country but you’re almost sure it doesn’t exist in any other Latin American country?
Brazilian Songs
Has anyone seen a lower rating for a show? 2.6 is outrageous.
Desvio de dinheiro público/propina para político deveria ser pena de morte.
A far East for Rome, map of Latin Asia in 2025
What was a stereotype you had about a country in Latin America that you no longer have?
Which Borders Would Germany Have If They Won the Great War? Choose Your Preferred Map!
What do you guys think of Circassians and Abazas?
O uso da palavra "ganhar"
E se fechar parte da Ns.Senhora de Copacabana?
What is this country? (correct answers only)
Why do Angolan accents sound more similar to Brazilian accents than Portuguese accents sound to either?
My Ideal Europe
Qual época você viveria?