Breakeven - The Script (does this key fit my voice?)
I’m only where I am because of him 💪🏼
(OC) I’m only where I am because of him 🙏🏻
Well.. I finally had enough.
I swear this episode is way better than I remember
Trust me, you’ll get there
You know what would be great? If we all were at least making $25 an hour.
Yeah I might quit today
21M be honest
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What instantly qualifies or disqualifies someone as a potential partner for you?
[OC] My parrot cheers me on while I’m singing!
A Whole New World but its brain rot lyrics
[OC] You’re capable of so much more than you think
Becoming more attractive has shown me unexpected pros and cons
Interstellar’s Cornfield Chase (with some added nostalgia)
[OC] I played piano at a retirement home!
I played at a retirement home!
Why can’t I find a girl that I actually want?