GBA RTC is finally here, and coming in the next update
Internal Tools for Game Boy Camera Development
Crystal Legacy RomHack - GB Operator
Game Saves Now Larger
Living the Dream!
Hello from the team in glorious 16 kilopixels 👋🏻!
Multi Instancing problem
How does one activate the Mystery Gift events via the Cheat Codes section in settings?
v1.3.1 Hotfix now available on!
How can I rollback to 1.2?
v1.3.0 is out! Multiple instancing, device switcher and much more!
Playback on iOS and iPad OS
Sleek, Sexy and Super - SN Operator’s first official render!
Other GB Operator Shells
GB Operator for Android
Playback v1.2.0 available for download! Right now! As I'm typing this! Go go go 🫨!
YEAHH! Finally able to use my GB operator just with a Raspberry Pi 🔥
Just finished the integration of switching between multiple devices in Playback 🫨!
Do you need the actual cartridges of the games you play??
Pokemon Emerald Cheats
EEPROM Patch Saves
Translating Playback
Nightly builds finally fixes my controller!
Using 8bitdo sn30 pro controller inputs show up under "Gamepad Settings" but do not work in game
Epilogue Cartridges