Any book recommandation about ambient?
Is this a rare upside down moog?
Moog Subsequent 25 - Used Prices?
Tobias Jesso Jr. Made 'Goon 2' With His Ex-Gardener
François J. Bonnet - Banshee
Are there any analog synthesizers with a band pass filter?
Guitarist looming for recommendations for 5 pin midi hardware
Moog release a Geddy Lee Minimoog Model D
Why is the seqtrak only $300
Looking for a stand for my Korg Minilogue XD
E-MU Ultra Proteus - Missing RAM patches! Please Advise!
I want a make synth
Looking for a Purely Analog Synth – Just for the Joy of Sound
How do you get your Ambient News?
Can you help me identify the font used at the Imagine Dragons animated music video "Sharks" (2022)?
Moog Subsequent 25 discontinued
There isn't a better way to enjoy my cereals!
What was the Digital Synth used on the Soundtrack for Nightmare on Elm Street 5?
Slow Jam Erotica
Synth effects that aren't designed for guitarist
After a year, I’m back with myRotomatic - finally as a VST!
This restaurant doesn’t accept tips (USA)
Wu-Tang Clan made a new Music Video - it's all Ai generated.
PSA: Bandcamp Friday is back, name your price Benoît Pioulard, KMRU
Richard Norris - Ultramarine
are yellowing keys inevitable?