Do you think Facebook was the worst mistake that Millennials had ever created?
I love crocheting sooo much!
An Immense World by Ed Yong
Non-fiction audiobook
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, what happens to people insured via it?
History books on Europe and Britian for beginners?
If you hold your yarn with your middle finger instead of pointer, how do you hold it?
From Bullying to Blossoming
Would you actually recommend using crocheted coasters, potholders, towels, etc.?
Best explanations of the logic behind crochet?
Get it out of my sight.
My custom Vinyl arrived!!
Have started crocheting after YEARS off and stumbled upon Noro Ito yarns and am in love!
Cover Art by @emberwickart
Mandala Madness
What do you do while you crochet?
What will you do with your one precious Saturdaily?
Maine suddenly takes leading role in defying illegal Executive Orders
Trump threatens Governor Janet Mills for not following his orders
Just made some granny square hats for some kids in my family!
Suggest a wordless picture book for children
Please suggest me audiobooks produced like a radio show with actors and foley sound effects.
Women on the Oregon trail?
Environmentalists of RVA